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Lets Innovate!

Hainsworth TopTable is a brand with unrivalled heritage through its family roots, established in 1783 and providers of many iconic and historic cloths however we are still innovators for the world of Cue Sports.

As a company we have moved the game on, responding to the needs of the players and the clubs to increase excitement and interest and offering clubs a chance to increase their popularity and footfall when the game most needed it.

We were the first to develop printed pool cloth, our print is vivid but does not change the quality of the playing surface in anyway, sitting within the very fibres of the cloth rather than on the surface and this is still unparalleled in durability and colour clarity. Examples below



guinness table

Our Hainsworth®  Precision was developed in-house and when it was launched it was unrivalled in the market, and still to this day nothing compares to its sheer speed and demand for skill.  Did you see the videos when Precision launched featuring Ding Junhui? You can see these again below

You can learn more about our history and heritage here.