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Hainsworth have record year

Hainsworth have finished their financial year with sales growth of 31%, ‘this is a fantastic result, given market conditions’, says Adam Hainsworth. ‘For a number of years we have concentrated on the fundamentals of producing cloths that perform, rather than cutting prices and confusing the market with an increased range, and the market has responded accordingly. With the recession, the market is not interested in hype and marketing, it needs cloths that marry up the demands of the operator and that of the player, the Hainsworth range of cloths do just that. The new financial year has started very well, and we are budgeting for further growth. The picture shows Hainsworth taking delivery of two new looms, these use 70% less electricity, are twice as fast, and are required to meet increases in demand. Hainsworth have also had to order a new milling machine, as the bottle neck to satisfy the demand, has now moved from weaving to milling.

September 2009